
The Ginestre beach is a mix of nature and comfort.
We enter a small oasis inside the bathing establishment, which also includes a free beach area at the end of the establishment. We have chosen to show you this little gem because it is the only one with a (paying) car park which however allows you to enjoy a relaxing day without having to worry about the car. Further on there are several other small bays, among which Canovella di Zoppoli is certainly worth a visit, which owes its name to the "zoppoli" of the small boats once used by the fishermen of the Karst plateau. This area is connected through a path called "Il Sentiero dei Pescatori" directly to the village of Santa Croce.



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The project obtained funding of €71,999.75 from the Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia on the POR FESR 2014-2020 call, Activity 2.1.b.1 bis «Granting of grants for the financing of personalized pre-incubation and incubation programs enterprise, aimed at the implementation of projects for the creation or development of new businesses characterized by significant value or a relevant cultural and/or creative connotation»

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