
This is the second-to-last stop on our Traversata Muggesana walk. Just a few hundred meters ahead, the sea draws closer, and if we listen carefully, we can hear the sound of waves crashing onto the beach along Strada per Lazzaretto. The forest gradually gives way to more typical Mediterranean vegetation, with low shrubs and increasingly open clearings.

Let’s remember that it’s our responsibility to keep this peaceful natural oasis as untouched as possible. If you come across any litter along the way, please pick it up and dispose of it in the nearest bin!


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The project obtained funding of €71,999.75 from the Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia on the POR FESR 2014-2020 call, Activity 2.1.b.1 bis «Granting of grants for the financing of personalized pre-incubation and incubation programs enterprise, aimed at the implementation of projects for the creation or development of new businesses characterized by significant value or a relevant cultural and/or creative connotation»

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