
The Church of San Nicolò is located on the seafront, a few metres from Piazza Unità d'Italia. The church brings together the followers of the Greek-Oriental religion and is dedicated to St. Nicholas, the patron saint of seafarers and ship owners, and the Holy Trinity. It was built between 1784 and 1787 and is characterised by six Ionic pilasters ending in an enlarged tympanum with two symmetrical bell towers on either side. At the centre of the regular-plan interior are three large candelabras that stand out against the shiny black and white chequered floor, which mirrors the golden panelling that surrounds the faithful.



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The project obtained funding of €71,999.75 from the Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia on the POR FESR 2014-2020 call, Activity 2.1.b.1 bis «Granting of grants for the financing of personalized pre-incubation and incubation programs enterprise, aimed at the implementation of projects for the creation or development of new businesses characterized by significant value or a relevant cultural and/or creative connotation»

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