
The Church of Santa Maria Maggiore does not go unnoticed! Its monumental baroque facade overlooks the staircase that rises from behind Piazza Unità d'Italia to the Arch of Riccardo and then to the Castle of San Giusto. The Church was built in 1627 by the Jesuit Company and has been managed since 1922 by the Franciscan Friars. For those who are interested, in addition to clearly entering to admire the interior, we recommend visiting the mysterious underground, making an appointment by calling +39040632920. Next to the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, definitely smaller, we find the Basilica of San Silvestro, the oldest church in the city (built between the XI and XII centuries), the current seat of the Evangelical Waldensian and Helvetic Communities.



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The project obtained funding of €71,999.75 from the Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia on the POR FESR 2014-2020 call, Activity 2.1.b.1 bis «Granting of grants for the financing of personalized pre-incubation and incubation programs enterprise, aimed at the implementation of projects for the creation or development of new businesses characterized by significant value or a relevant cultural and/or creative connotation»

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